Bestowing someone's name on a school is a particularly significant and important development in the history of any educational institution. It results from a school's need to acquire a certain individuality, an identity; it enables the school to make the life and life's work of the person so honored the foundation of its educational activities, and presents the person to the students as an authority and role model.
Stefan Meller was a great patriot and Pole for whom difference and diversity were values worthy of respect. He was highly educated, knew a number of foreign languages, and he could find his place among other cultures outside Poland's borders. Stefan Meller, the humanities professor, historian, university lecturer, foreign affairs minister and successful diplomat, was a unique figure who always stood for what was great about Poland; he understood diversity and what made Poland unique.
A ceremony to officially bestow our school with Stefan Meller's name is planned for May 15th 2015.
Uchwała Rady Pedagogicznej Multischool
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